Changes have occurred to the rights of way network since this date e.g. The relevant date of the map is 29th February 2000. Figured dimensions, where they appear, are the only reliable method of obtaining measurements from these images.
Please note that whilst all pdfs / images on this website are scans of scaled originals, the images will not appear at any particular scale on your computer screen. Online copies of the Definitive Map are for public inspection and reference only and remain the property of the Isle of Wight Council. It may not be copied without permission for any purpose whatsoever. This map is based on the Ordnance Survey 1:10,000 Map for the Isle of Wight reproduced by permission of the Controller of HM Stationary Office, Crown Copyright reserved, under Licence No LA 100019229. Isle of Wight Definitive Map (Rights of Way Maps) *** IMPORTANT - Copyright for Maps & Legal Information ***